Weather in Prague

Day: cloudy
-2 - +2 C

Night: cloudy
-3 - -7 C

1Euro = 1.17 USD = 29.05 Czech crowns

List of chosen services

Accomodation: Apart-Karee [single room] [90 Euro Per day]

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Бархатный сезон в Праге

С приходом золотой осени Прага становится еще красивее и уютнее. А цены на проживание в пражских отелях и пенсионах в «бархатный сезон» снижаются по сравнению с летом на 50 % !

On-line consultations

please ask your questions

ICQ 326-020-137

by phone: +420 775 369 367

or contact us using this form:


The company “OrangeTravel. Prague travel and accommodation service” is a special project of the Czech company DOYEN s.r.o. established in 1998 as a consulting and reality agency.

Now we have come a travel agency that offers the best accommodation service to travelers from all over the world in Prague, the Czech Republic, the magic historical city proclaimed as a UNESCO world heritage. We do not only guarantee the best prices for accommodation in Prague hotels and pensions, for our prices are lower that those in hotels, but also offer all kinds of services a tourist may need such as excursion programs, car rent, transfers, organization of business meetings and conferences and etc.

To reserve a room in a hotel you just need to fill in the form on our website and our operators will contact you as soon as possible.

We wish you a pleasant stay in Prague and we will do our best to make your stay here even more pleasant!

For us, Oranges are the only fruit !


tel +420 775 369 367, fax +420 222 781 565, e-mail:, Prague office: 130 00, Tachovske namesti 90/2, Praha 3, Czech republic